The plaza began to fill with orphan collectors….
Ffolkes, Typically….. Whoa! Wait a minute, here…. Well, hell……That word, “typically”, should NOT be where it is, and is, for a fact, one of those words that is programmed to trip my alarms, as it is on...
View ArticleDelusional allusions to improper illusions….
Ffolkes, I’m thinking it might be easier to accept the aging process if it would just leave us with a bit of our dignity…. The passage of time, and the subsequent erosion of our physical well-being...
View ArticleMore harlequin than brindle, I’d say….
Ffolkes, “Is consciousness just a special form of hallucination?” ~~ Frank Herbert ~~ Emma, suffering nappus interruptus Good morning…. But, then, you know that already, or you wouldn’t be reading...
View ArticleNo, thanks, it’s already limp…
Ffolkes, “Nothing is more dangerous than an idea…. if it’s the only one you’ve got.” ~~ Smart Bee ~~ Whither bound, mariner? West by west, against the tide… Good morning…. Welcome to ECR, and, the...
View ArticleNeedless worry over inadmissible enchiladas….
Ffolkes, Dharma: “What is the greatest mystery of all?” Yudishthira: “That each day, death walks the earth, and we continue to live as though we were immortal.” ~~ The Bhagvad Gita ~~ You said you had...
View ArticleSome scars never fade….
Ffolkes, “In a cat’s eyes, all things belong to cats.” ~~ English Proverb ~~ Dangerous angel…. Hajime…. One would think, by this age, I’d know better. I had planned to…. well, it doesn’t matter, now,...
View ArticleRampant displays of misguided altruism….
Ffolkes, “It is the ability to choose which makes us human.” ~~ Madeleine L’Engle , “Walking on Water)” ~~ East Brother Light Station, SF Bay…. Photo by gigoid…. Hajime…. Though...
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